15 New Series


SIMONA LAZAR,Quelques considérations sur le Hallstatt précoce en Olténie p. 5
DAN BALTEANU, The recruitment of the roman auxiliary units in the Moesian provinces during the early empire II p. 15
ROMEO AVRAM, LUCIAN AMON, The architectural elements of the roman earth fortification from Gresia – Teleorman p. 41
CONSTANTIN C. PETOLESCU, Crestini si pagâni în Dacia sec. IV-VI p. 51
DINICA CIOBOTEA, VLADIMIR OSIAC, Repères dans l’histoire sociale du village roumain. Diostii du département de RomanaNi p. 61
PAUL-EMANOIL BARBU, The mills of the Gorj country in a statistical document from 1839 p. 89
DINICA CIOBOTEA, ION ZARZARA, The beginnings of the Chamber of Trade and Industry p. 103
GABRIEL CROITORU, La situation économique du département de MehedinNi au début du XX-ième siècle p. 131
MARUSIA CÂRSTEA, Romanian-english relations between 1936–1939 p. 145
CEZAR AVRAM, VLADIMIR OSIAC, Social and Economic Changes in the Oltenia Region during the Years 1948–1962 p. 157

TUDOR NEDELCEA, Interprétations cosmogoniques sur le poème Luceafarul p. 173
MARIA TRONEA, Eminescu – Eros et thanathos p. 185
MIHAELA ALBU, Marin Sorescu’s Last Novel p. 193
ELENA-CAMELIA ZABAVA, Le rôle des appellatifs dans la formation des noms de famille. Dérivation p. 199
IUSTINA BURCI, Modèles anthroponymiques: filiation analytiquement exprimée p. 209

GEORGETA NIŢU, Ethonological considerations on the ”spirit of ripeness” of some vegetal species p. 223
NICOLAE MIHAI, Considerations on the image of sin in Walachia (17th century – early 18th century p. 239
MIHAI FIFOR, Global space – Comunitarian space. „The third culture”: being in-between cultures p. 253

NICOLAE PANEA, The proteism of the antropological discourse p. 263
RODICA lUGUI, Contribution à la constitution de la sociologie de la famillle. Le rôle de la médecine sociale p. 281
ILEANA ROMAN, Les significations théoriques-explicatives et pratiquesinstrumentales de l’unité personne–status–rôle dans l’approche du sociohumaine p. 291
MIRON ROMAN, Ordre social et normativité p. 299
VASILE SALAN, Metaphysical argumentation between logic rigor and rhetorical graphicalness, I p. 307

HORTENSIA GAVRILESCU, Le développement sutenable – un concept économique et socio-politique de nos jours p. 321
MIHAI COSTESCU, MARIAN CONSTANTIN, Corelative methodologies in the study of the agro-food market with exemplifications from the peasant market in the Dolj country p. 331

ION MILITARU, Constantin Noica et la possibilité de fondation de la vérité historique p. 341
FLORENTINA ANGHEL, The Accidental Character of Joyce’s Epiphany p. 351
LELIA TROCAN, Trésor des provinces p. 358
VALENTINA FALAN, ANDA RADULESCU, Emportez-moi – Une poésie de l’évasion p. 360
MONICA IOVANESCU, ANDA RADULESCU, La raison du discours et le discours de la raison dans le roman La chambre des dames p. 364
ILINCA CRAINICEANU, Aspects of aspects p. 369
VIORICA TOMESCU, VASILE PLENICEANU, Elemente de geografie istorica privind asezarile din Lunca Dunarii dintre Drobeta Turnu Severin si Corabia p. 374
DINICA CIOBOTEA, Istoria mosnenilor, vol. I, partea I (1829–1912), Craiova, Editura Universitaria, 1999, 210 p. (Vladimir Osiac) p. 377
PETAR POPOVIC, MIRJANA VUKMANOVIC, Vajuga-Pesak Early Iron Age cementery, Institut archéologique, Belgrade, Musée National, Belgrade, Cahiers des Portes de Fer. Monographies, 3, Belgrade, 1998, 160 p. (Simona Lazar) p. 378
CEZAR AVRAM, DINICA CIOBOTEA, VLADIMIR OSIAC, ION PATROIU, VIRGIL JOIlA, ILEANA PETRESCU, Istoria comerNului în sudvestul României. Sec. VIII–XX, Craiova, Editura de Sud, 1999, 390 p.
(Gabriel Croitoru) p. 380
ANDRIlOIU VASILE, Crestomania istoriei Gorjului, Târgu Jiu, Editura „Punct”, 1998 (Gabriel Croitoru) p. 382
APOSTOL STAN, Protectoratul Rusiei asupra Principatelor Române. 1774–1856, Bucuresti, Editura Saeculum I.O., 1999, 285 p. (Gabriel Croitoru) p. 383
VALERIU LEU, Cartea si lumea rurala în Banat 1700–1830, ResiNa, Editura Banatica, 1996, 253 p. (Nicolae Mihai) p. 384
PAUL-EMANOIL BARBU, Din istoria cooperaNiei de consum si de credit din România, Bucuresti, Editura Universul, 2000, 512 p. (Nicolae Mihai) . 386
CEZAR AVRAM, Politici agrare în Oltenia anilor 1949-1962. MutaNii socioeconomice în satul românesc, Craiova, Editura de Sud, 1999, 444 p.
(Vladimir Osiac) p. 388
TEODOR OANCA, Onomastica si dialectologie, Craiova, FundaNia „Scrisul Românesc”, 1999, 138 p. (Elena-Camelia Zabava) p. 389
NICOLAE PANEA, MIHAI FIFOR, Cartea româneasca a morNii, Centrul JudeNean al CreaNiei Populare MehedinNi, Drobeta- Turnu Severin, 1998. (Ileana Anca Stoenescu) p. 391
GEORGETA NIlU, Plante din flora spontana cu utilizari în gospodaria Naraneasca din Oltenia. DicNionar, Craiova, Editura Helios, 1999. (Ileana Anca Stoenescu) p. 392
Anuarul Institutului de Cercetari Socio-Umane „C. S. Nicolaescu-Plopsor”, vol.I, Craiova, Editura Helios, 1999, 146 p.; vol.II, Craiova, Editura „Aius”, 2000, 310p. (Ioan Gavrila) p. 393

GHEORGHE IORDACHE (Ioan Gavrila) p. 395