- Publication and authorship
All papers sent for publication should include professional title, didactic position, institutional affiliation, contact information, email address of the author(s), a list of references and the financial support (if any). The Funding Acknowledgments should be also present in the article when existing. Authors are required to provide original theoretical studies, critical essșs and reviews that are not published or submitted for publication or review to another journal in any language. It is forbidden to publish the same research even under a different title in more than one journal.
- Author’s responsibilities
Authors have complete responsibility for the content of the article. It is required that all authors have significantly contributed to the research providing the true origin of methodology and data used in research. Plagiarism is forbidden. In case reviewers consider necessary under certain imminent circumstances, the authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes. The submitting (corresponding) author is responsible for ensuring that the article’s publication has been approved by all the other co-authors and by the affiliation institution (if necessary). It is recommended that an English check of the manuscript by a competent person be completed before submission. Only papers that are written in clear and concise English will be accepted for review. Authors are invited to participate in the peer review process by modifying their original manuscript considering specific recommendations, technical instructions, interpretational issues and providing supplementary references on a recommendation from the reviewers and editors. The editorial board will re-review manuscripts that are accepted pending revision. The Editorial Board decides acceptance or rejection of a paper, and appeals are not accepted.
- Peer review / responsibility for the reviewers
All articles published in the Yearbook will be peer-reviewed in order to ensure qualitative scientific research. All articles submitted are normally sent to blind reviewers which are asked to maintain the quality standards of the Yearbook. The reviewers and the author remain anonymous throughout the process. Each submission is refereed to reviewers according to their expertise, methodological and contents area of professional experience. Yearbook reviewers’ database is permanently being updated in order to ensure competent blind reviewers from relevant disciplines. Reviewers should be objective and have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders. Reviewers should make overall recommendation, point out other relevant published work or recent research which is not yet cited in the paper and give detailed comments to justify their general judgment and recommendation. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript within 4-8 weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next available issue of the Yearbook.
- Editorial responsibilities
Editors have complete responsibility and authority to reject/accept an article. Editors should have no conflict of interest with respect to articles they reject/accept. The editorial staff initially review all manuscript submissions for compliance with the editorial policy, the aims and scope of the journal. If the manuscript fails to fall within the scope and stylistic guidelines of the journal, it is returned to the authors. Authors of manuscripts rejected are normally being informed in 2-4 weeks from receipt. If a manuscript is in accord with the scope of the journal and meets submission guidelines, it is sent to 2 reviewers. Usually, the manuscript will be reviewed within 4-8 weeks from submission date. The Editors have the responsibility to preserve the anonymity of authors when sending the articles to be reviewed and also the anonymity of reviewers.
- Publishing ethics issues
Our dedicated technical and editorial team members from different fields of history, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, literature, theology, law, economics, management and business studies ensures the quality and review standard of our publications. Editors should be actively involved in the process of safeguarding the publication ethics and monitoring the views of authors, readers, reviewers and International Advisory members about wșs and approaches to ensure the high quality of the journal. Editors should consult the Editorial Board members when editorial changes and editorial policies are required.